I need to start a new pinterest board. I've been pinning on there for quite some time and I've built up collections of some very nice things. Unfortunately most of them remain unmade - a mere possibility that gets pushed further down the page. A new board will be the incentive to actually do some of these things. It starts like this...
Its been raining for approximately forever. We're confined to the house by a combination of illness, lack of facilities and the fact that we don't own an ark. So, I've decided to face my fear and actually make something.
I pinned this tutorial a while back and I've always loved this dress (how cute is that little girl!)
We're off for our first family sun holiday in a few weeks and I wanted something easy and lightweight that I can throw in a bag and easily dress her in when she's covered in beach.
I changed the pattern slightly. I wanted the lining to be a different colour, mainly because I'd bought it already, and I decided on narrow straps. This was a mistake! Not the lining part because I rather like that, but I think I spent best part of Lilo and Stitch pushing those babies inside out. Definitely go wide! The other massive mistake I made was using a little coffee table to not only cut the pattern but also to sew. My back officially hates me and my hems are a little, well, out shall we say.
For my first effort at big girl sewing, I'm pleased enough with the result and the small one likes her dress rather a lot. Next time I will definitely use a table large enough to actually lay out the material.
I'm thinking of adding a little felt flower on the fastening at the top but this depends on time more than anything else. In the mean time, Milly has decided on her own accessories.
I would love to attempt this. Unfortunately I would have no clue where to begin!
ReplyDeleteI will have a proper look tomorrow and see if I can make sense of it all lol.