Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Getting Five a Day

"Would you like to make cakes with vegetables Milly?  Does that sound like fun?".

In my head, that conversation went a lot better.  I imagined a startled response, curiosity piqued by the potential of adding something savoury to a normally sweet product.  Then I remembered that Milly is three and knows that I talk mostly nonsense.  FACT.   Still, I want to encourage her to explore food a little more so we're making vegetable based and this *will* be fun.

Mother Knows Best Vegetable Cakes

Carrot & Orange

1 large egg
90g golden caster sugar
50ml vegetable oil
100g self raising flour
1 tsp mixed spice
1 carrot
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Zest and juice of half an orange

Mix together the egg, sugar, oil and orange juice.  I gave Milly the first try at the hand blender.  Unfortunately using a blender is difficult with both hands over your ears so I did that part for her instead.

Fold in the flour, spice, grated carrot, vanilla and orange zest.  Laugh to yourself about what it would be like if you used old spice instead of mixed spice.  Wonder if this is the onset of madness.

hat optional

Divide in to 6 large muffins or mini loaf cases and bake in my oven at 160 degrees for 20 minutes.

Whilst you're waiting for these to cool, it gives you time to bake

Chocolate & Courgette

1 large egg
2 tbsp vegetable oil
75g golden caster sugar
120g self raising flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa
1 courgette
handful of chocolate chips (optional)

Mix together the egg, sugar and oil in a bowl.   

Its a day of firsts and courgette is a lot soften than carrots so Milly got to grate her first vegetable.  Add to the mix and smile at how proud your child is with themselves.

Mix in the flour, cocoa, baking powder and chocolate chips if you're using them.  Doing the usual dance is also optional.

Cook as with the carrot cakes.

Once these come out of the oven you can frost (or not) the carrot cake.  We went for orange cream cheese frosting (recipe).

Carrot Cake Squares with Orange Cream Cheese Frosting.

The chocolate courgette cakes can take quite a lot of sweetness.  If anything they need it, so we went with a mixture of vanilla frosting and strawberries.  If I had it in, I would have gone with a white chocolate ganache instead.

Mini Chocolate Courgette Cakes

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